1 star hotels in Yaiza

Visit Yaiza

Our modern hotel search engine is able to find one-star hotels in Yaiza at the best price and with the offers that best suit our clients.

One-star hotels have a series of essential services such as air conditioning or heating, and some even have Internet access. The one-star hotels in Yaiza have basic services that ensure the comfort of their guests. These establishments are obliged by law to provide hot water in all the bathrooms, for both common and exclusive use by guests.

Our extensive database has one-star hotels in Yaiza, and so you can book your one-star hotel in Yaiza easily and without complications from your own home. This is an economic option that is perfect for travellers who only consider their hotel a place to sleep in.
Yaiza today 73°F
73°F | 64°F

In Yaiza we will have broken clouds, light clothing is recommended as the temperatures will be warm throughout the day.

    • Wednesday
    • 73°F | 63°F
    • Thursday
    • 72°F | 66°F
    • Friday
    • 68°F | 64°F

3 Accommodations in Yaiza


Property type
Villa Casa Villaflor

Villa Casa Villaflor

290 yd from city centre
Villa Buenlugar

Villa Buenlugar

279 yd from city centre
Caleton Del Golfo

Caleton Del Golfo

4.3 mi from city centre